Frequently Asked Questions

  • Clean & cute brows of course. If it is our first time meeting we will do a full consultation where we can talk all about your brows. I always want to understand your brow style & goals before we get started.

    If you have any pictures of YOURSELF with brows you've really loved feel free to come in ready to show me at the top of your camera roll.

    I prefer not to apply an make up to your freshly waxed skin but if you are heading to dinner or running errands I can always conceal any redness & fill in your brows if you ask me.

  • I see my clients anwhere from every 2-6 weeks. Once a month to every 4 weeks is usually best for keeping up with your shape. If you are a Wax & Tint girly then every 4 weeks is perfect to keep your tint fresh as well.

  • NO, You have to put a pause on using any retinol/tretinoin for at least 5-7 days before a wax to get the best results and avoid unhappy skin. The longer the pause the better.

    Even if they are over the counter product they will cause a reaction.

  • No you need to pause on retinol from the neck up. Retinol travels underneath the skin. Even if it's applied in one place it will migrate and stimulate your entire face. While i understand you may not be applying these products to your “eyebrow” its still very possible your skin will have an unhappy reaction to waxing.

  • This is a question for your injector. Most will say at least a week and a half to ensure the Botox does not migrate.

  • A brow tint is where we darken the tiny, fine hairs in and around your eyebrows witch helps create the illusion of thicker, fuller, and longer brows. The tint can last on the skin for up to day, after that it is only coloring the hairs that you have.

  • 6 - 8 weeks, this varies for everyone. You can of course get lashes/brow wet & wear mascara after the 24 hours but keep in mind the less you do to your lashes/brows the longer your lift will last.

    I recommend using a lash or brow conditioner (revitalash, castor oil, etc..) 3-4 times a week starting a week or so after services.

    I personally don't wear mascara very often when my lashes are lifted, I do use a lot of face oils, and i defiantly don't avoid getting them wet and my lift typically does not start to relax until 8 weeks. Slowly each lash starts to go back to its natural curl and normally by 10 weeks all lashes have relaxed back to their natural curl. If you swim alot, sauna a lot, wear mascara daily I imagine the lift only hangs on for about 6 weeks.